Mobile Child Occupational Therapist to your Home or School in Sydney!


What does a children occupational therapist do?

A Child Occupational Therapist Sydney (OT) works with kids to improve the way they function in day to day life and improves the ability for children to interact with their environment.

Based on the specific needs and requirement of each child, Occupational Therapist’s will adjust the therapy each child receives to ensure it meets their needs and goals. Children’s Occupational Therapists work very closely with parents as the exercises and therapy principles which are provided for children need to remain consistent between all adults in the child’s life. A variety of strategies are used by Online Occupational Therapy Services to further assist in providing the therapy, such as providing visual aids, which can be used as reminders to ensure consistent and positive behaviours are nurtured. OT’s are also able to prescribe a variety of other equipment to assist in the day to day functioning of children.

Time is of the essence when providing therapy for children and the earlier Online Occupational Therapists can engage with children the increased likelihood for more favourable long term outcomes.

Children Occupational therapists visiting the home or schools in Sydney are able to help breakdown barriers that affect a child’s emotional, physical and social needs. In turn this allows children to increase their participation in day to day life events including during school. The increase in self esteem which occurs with the provision of therapy enables children to make more out of each day.
